In today’s job market, it’s virtually impossible to find a position that doesn’t require at least a basic understanding of technology. Over the past few decades, more and more innovations have infiltrated every corner of the workplace.
Furthermore, in the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced even the least tech-savvy of us to come to grips with things like video conferencing and online food delivery.
So, has the ubiquity of tech changed the way we work? Let’s take a look at some statistics on how workplace technology affects job performance, satisfaction, and overall productivity.
Advances in workplace technology have allowed businesses to become more flexible in their hiring and workplace practices. Below, you’ll find some interesting trends that will continue through 2022 and beyond.
The majority of people think that technological breakthroughs will be the driving force in changing how we work in the near future. Furthermore, about 39% expect climate change to have more impact, and 36% prioritize shifts in the global economy.
Data is becoming a crucial component of decision-making across all market areas. What’s more, people are now more aware than ever of how valuable their personal information is. Consequently, guidelines compliance will become increasingly important for all companies wanting to gather and use their customers’ data.
Many perceive the encroachment of technology as a danger to existing jobs. However, contrary to many “technology taking over jobs” statistics, it’s expected that AI will also allow employees in existing roles to reach new levels of creativity and productivity by automating repetitive day-to-day tasks. Furthermore, the successful implementation of AI will create positions that currently don’t exist.
Automated chatbots are online text-based systems that allow customers to quickly get answers and take care of basic issues without interacting with a human.
According to communication in the workplace statistics, technology that supports chatbots will become increasingly valuable in the next ten years. Also, outsourcing statistics reveal this practice is widely popular and accounts for about 300,000 jobs in the US alone.
Wearable technology allows employees to perform routine tasks with more efficiency. The most notable improvement is thanks to the voice command feature. That way, employees can easily perform multiple tasks, such as note-taking, dictating emails, setting reminders, and making lists, at once or hands-free.
As wearable tech becomes faster, smaller, and better, people are less tolerant of outdated technology in the workplace, statistics show.
At the end of 2021, there were 27.1 billion devices connected to the internet—more than three for every person. The majority are mobile phones, which replace laptops and computers as the primary way people get online.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) combined with work-from-home options saves companies hugely in overhead costs. Nearly 75% of businesses already use or plan to start BYOD policies. It comes with numerous benefits and a few challenges, such as implementing mobile device management (MDM).
Employees’ demands will increase in the wake of the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fully remote and hybrid work models are no longer considered benefits. Furthermore, employee turnover in highly technical fields will rise through 2022 unless companies provide better work-life balance and wellness options.
According to technology in the workplace statistics, in 2022, 10% of businesses will switch to a fully remote model following the lockdown measures, while only 30% will go back to the office. Most companies will opt for a hybrid model, combining remote and in-person time.
As the COVID-19 pandemic overturned the work models we’ve relied on for decades, businesses had to rush to adopt new technologies and improve their digital infrastructure nearly overnight. The last two years have brought significantly more spending on digital transformation than in the previous few years.
Technology in the workplace stats shows that employee turnover is highest in telecommunication, technology, and financial services jobs for a number of reasons. Skills in these fields are in demand, and employees expect high salaries and—since the COVID-19 pandemic started—a hybrid working model.
According to HR statistics, companies that fail to offer flexibility in how and when employees work will see increased turnover through 2022.
There are many benefits of technology in the workplace, but one major drawback is the loss of jobs to automation, which the pandemic has vastly accelerated. From toll-booth operators to customer-service representatives, over 40 million jobs were lost at the peak of the pandemic. Many economists think that over 40% of those will never return.
Job satisfaction and employee engagement are indicators managers use to understand their workforce. During the pandemic, organizations increased the amount of wellness support they provided, including mental and physical health assessments and benefits.
One surprising impact of technology in the workplace is that mental, physical, and financial health measures will be implemented to assess and predict employee performance and retention in 2022 and afterward.
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, many jobs had very little to do with technology. Since the outbreak, however, the use of technology in the workplace has increased across the board, and relevant job openings are more prevalent than ever. Nearly a quarter of all technical job postings are for emerging technologies.
Technology does more than just increase productivity in the office. In fact, the fear that it leads to lower employee happiness is generally unfounded. Automation reduces the time spent on mundane tasks, allowing more time for creative and interesting work. Furthermore, advances in communication technology make collaboration and workplace socialization easier.
The main impact of technology on employees caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was a mass shift to remote work. Up to 32% of people who started working from home during the pandemic would like to continue permanently. Alternatively, up to 72% would prefer a hybrid work model.
The rise of remote work meant an increase in the number of meetings attended by all employees. Workplace collaboration statistics show that about 70% of people experienced a 70% increase in meetings after a fully remote or hybrid work model was introduced into their workplace.
Optimizing talent acquisition across multiple channels leads to better hiring outcomes. It increases the likelihood of the right candidate finding the job posting due to better brand awareness. Data shows companies that apply “high maturity” hiring processes see better results than those that don’t.
As the percentage of jobs that use technology increases, a surprising number of people are optimistic about workplace automation. They believe it’ll increase their productivity and free up their time to perform more creative work. Employees also consider the change to help them qualify for a better and more interesting job.
Nearly all employees think that the amount of time spent on email negatively affects their job performance. Namely, employees spend 20.5 hours per week checking email.
Furthermore, about 79% of people check their email at least infrequently while on vacation. Communication in the workplace statistics tell us that most employees receive over 120 emails and write about 40 every day.
While new technology reshapes every industry, it still faces numerous social and environmental issues. Keep reading to find out all about the most significant current and upcoming challenges businesses in all sectors encounter.
Automation is hardest on minimum wage workers and people of color. According to statistics about technology in the workplace, of the 15 jobs most threatened by automation—cashiers, food-service employees, and customer service representatives—the majority are held by Black and Latino people.
36.2 million workers will work remotely by 2025, which is an 87% increase from the pre-pandemic numbers. Over 50% of workers prefer the idea of working from home, and estimates show that at the end of 2021, about 30% of workers had fully remote positions.
Workplace productivity statistics indicate that people who work from home are just as productive as their in-person peers. Almost 35% of hiring managers say that productivity has increased since they introduced remote working models in 2020. However, another 20% observed lower efficiency among their staff.
When jobs are lost to automation, education and training are the main roadblocks to putting people back to work. Many employees don’t have access to the materials needed to retrain for jobs in an AI-supported job market. Furthermore, many of those that do are reluctant to try.
According to technology use in the workplace statistics, as more and more employees work from home, online safety becomes an increasing concern. Greater reliance on BYOD models has also raised security concerns, as personal devices that don’t correctly implement protective measures expose businesses to threats.
In recent years, businesses can no longer opt to remain silent on social and environmental issues. In fact, it’s now recognized that a thoughtful ESG strategy is imperative. What’s more, executive boards are slowly acknowledging the benefit of employing a truly diverse workforce.
Technology has been transforming our workforce for decades, but there’s no doubt that the last two years have vastly accelerated the process. In the foreseeable future, employees in knowledge-based roles will have more leverage and power to demand better benefits, work-life balance, and satisfaction from their jobs.
Meanwhile, minimum wage employees in customer and food-service or factory jobs will bear the brunt of job loss to automation. Fortunately, the technology supporting education and retraining is on the rise, and it’s predicted that AI and automation will largely supplement human workers rather than replace them.
Today, about 50% of jobs need employees to have technology skills, but it’s estimated that by 2030, 75% will have such requirements. The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly accelerated the growth in this figure. For example, more than 82% of middle-school teachers’ jobs now require the use of technology.
AI implementation and automation bring many changes in all industries, but also plenty of opportunities for more creative and challenging work.
The primary negative side of technology reported by employees is the distraction it brings. Many US workers now share that they can’t focus on tasks because of mobile devices and other notifications interruptions. Another drawback is the infiltration of work into personal time as employees are unable to “unplug” once they leave the office. On the other hand, technology also improves workflow and communication.
Improving efficiency in communication is the primary perk. Employees are more connected than ever and can collaborate to a much greater degree now than they were before. Additionally, workplace technology enables greater access to knowledge for all employees.
Automation in the work processes increases productivity and reduces costs. What’s more, it provides opportunities to employees for more creativity and innovations.
The major impact of technology in any office environment is increased workplace productivity. However, more recently, technology has also afforded employees more freedom via work-from-home options.
It has also, controversially, led to less privacy, as companies strive to keep track of their remote employees and ensure the protection of important data. Innovations and workplace trends of change will significantly impact our lives in the coming decades, technology in the workplace statistics indicate.
Apollo Technical, Cisco, Computer World, Continuity Central, Cyberstate, D Zone, Forbes, Gartner, Gartner, Hacker Noon, Harvard Business Review, IFR, KDNuggets, Otter, Perillon, PWC, Statista, Tech Series, Time, Washington Post