Job Interview Statistics: Applications and Hiring Rates in 2024

Hiring processes have become more and more driven by data, with both employers and job seekers increasingly relying on numbers. That’s why we prepared these job interview statistics, which address the most stressful element of the hiring process and will hopefully help both sides in their quest for the perfect job or the perfect employee. 

Top Job Interview Statistics: Editor’s Choice

  • Only 4% of all companies won’t check an applicant’s social media accounts.
  • Candidates only have 7 seconds to make a good first impression.
  • 71% of all companies will reject an applicant if they aren’t dressed appropriately.
  • Interviewees with no knowledge of the company get rejected by 47% of recruiters. 
  • 60% of job applications are abandoned because they take too long to complete.
  • 91% of all resumes are more successful if they contain relevant work experience.
  • 78% of employers say a bright, positive attitude makes all the difference in an interview.
  • Up to 85% of all applicants lie on their resumes.

All-Important Application & Job Interview Facts

1. Prospective employees only have around 7 seconds to make a good first impression.

Resume statistics show that it will only take 7 seconds for an employer to decide whether or not someone is a good fit for the company. 68% of recruiters take less than 2 minutes to survey an applicant’s entire resume. This is why it’s so important to build a resume that both grabs attention and illustrates an applicant’s relevant skills and the value that they can add to the company.

2. 76% of all rejections stem from unprofessional correspondence.

Interview success percentage is mostly based on whether a candidate uses appropriate tone and language when sending emails or cover letters that accompany their application. This accounts for many rejections but is easily remedied with a little more attention to detail. Heeding this advice dramatically improves the chances of getting a job if you have an interview lined up.

3. 91% of recruiters favor applicants with work experience.

Interview facts indicate that companies will always look favorably on those who have experience, and invite them for a face-to-face talk. As many as 91% see it as something vitally important to the hiring process.

A further 65% indicated that they preferred that experience to be relevant to the position on offer, and 5% say that it isn’t a major contributing factor to their final decision. Companies with a high interview-to-hire ratio will most likely reject any applications without the required work experience and not invite the candidates for an interview.

4. Candidates who are not dressed appropriately are rejected by 71% of companies.

Being well dressed in a job interview statistics are fairly damning when it comes to the way an applicant presents oneself. 71% of all companies will consider a person’s appearance when making the call of whether to hire them or not.

Valuable Interviewing and Hiring Statistics

5. The average number of applicants per job at the corporate level is 250.

On every single job offer, there are as many as 250 applications per listing on average, and job interview statistics show that only 4-6 are called back for an interview before the recruitment team moves forward with their preferred candidate.

The average number of interviews before getting a job offer is anywhere between 10 and 20, with every application having an 8.3% chance of proceeding to the interviewing stage. 

6. 61% of senior executives claim the best time to have interviews is between 9 AM and 11 AM.

Interview statistics suggest that many higher-ups believe that conducting an interview in the middle of the morning leads to more productive meetings. 61% believe 9 AM to 11 AM to be the optimal time to give both parties the best chance at a successful interview. 

7. According to industry experts, the average hiring process length is 42 days.

The Society of Human Resource Management says 42 days is a reasonable timeframe in which to expect a resolution. While that may seem like a lifetime to any applicant, the hiring process after an interview is critical for both parties.

The average time from interview to job offer can also be extended if there are many senior figures involved in the decision-making process or if it’s being outsourced to a talent acquisition agency or even both. 

8. The typical interview process occurs in 5 stages and is standard practice for most companies.

The introduction is the first of the 5 stages, followed by small talk, gathering information, a question and answer session, and a ‘wrap up’. Using these 5 steps, a company will do its best to weigh any potential employee’s strengths and weaknesses.

Job interview etiquette facts meanwhile suggest that a small percentage of candidates lose the job on the back of a limp handshake upon meeting recruiters or senior figures at the company. 

9. 87% of those on the hunt for jobs claim that a positive interview could change their outlook on a company or position.

Whether they have had a bad experience with the company or even in previous jobs in the same line, 87% of job seekers claim that they would change their negative opinions following a successful interview. Conversely, job interview statistics show that for 83%, a negative interview experience would change their previously positive view.

10. 78% of recruiters claim that an enthusiastic and positive attitude can make all the difference.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the occasion. Still, if a candidate can harness that nervous energy and show an interest and enthusiasm for the process, they are far more likely to succeed with their application. There are several ways that a candidate can achieve this from simple breathing exercises to over-the-counter medications that can help to combat the feelings of anxiety that are so often prevalent. Job interview anxiety statistics claim that as many as 93% of all candidates applying for jobs are affected by anxiety, making it difficult for them to put their best foot forward. 

11. Candidates with no knowledge of the company will be rejected by 47% of recruiters.

Naturally, any company wants any possible employee to have a certain level of interest in their dealings and background. This is exactly why 47% of all companies will immediately reject any applications with no prior knowledge of the organization.

By taking an interest in the company, candidates can drastically improve their interview success rate, according to interview questions statistics

12. 70% of potential employers will reject an applicant if their clothes are too bright.

It may seem odd to pull someone up on, but employers don’t want their interviewees to wear anything too attention-grabbing or trendy. 70% say they would reject them just off of that fact, while many companies admit it would be a deciding factor if the hire came down to two candidates. 

13. The average interview process length can be anywhere from 24-38 days.

Interview statistics shed light on how well things are going during the excruciating 24 to 38 days that it takes most companies to select their candidate. The average job interview length, on the other hand, can be concluded anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes. Possibly more if the position and the process warrant it.

As far as phone interview length is concerned, a running time of 15 to 45 minutes should be expected. Interview length can certainly give us clues about the chance of success, but it shouldn’t be viewed as a sure thing. A long interview process is usually a good sign, with interviews running under 20 minutes regularly ending in a failure to land the job

14. 90 seconds is all it takes for 33% of recruiters to decide if they will be hired or not.

First impression job interview statistics show that once a candidate walks into the room, a recruiter is actively looking for reasons to either give them the job or not. That is why it’s so important that they make the best possible first impression.

They observe speech patterns, likeability, and a whole host of other factors that may go under the radar of any applicants.

15. Only 4% of all companies don’t do a deep dive on their interviewees’ social media.

In the internet era, recruiters have almost unanimously decided that a social media screening of their applicants offers relevant insight into their suitability for the job.

An additional 4% of recruiters aren’t sure that it does. But a staggering 92% of companies will check the social media accounts of their candidates at some stage of the interview process.

16. The hospitality industry concludes its hiring process in just 10 days.

Interview statistics show that restaurants and bars have by far the shortest interview process, and it only takes 10 days to make additions to their staff. Traditionally, a shorter interview process is usually associated with jobs of a lower skill level such as private security, supermarkets, and more industrial sectors.

17. As many as 85% of all applicants lie on their resumes.

As job interview statistics go, this one is perhaps one of the most shocking. 85% of anyone applying for a job, irrespective of the level, is lying on their resume. In 2012 that number was at 66% which is a big upturn and worrying one at that.

People rarely get away with it as recruiters are wise to the trick and will usually weed out any false applications shortly after receiving them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many applicants per job are there? 

It depends on the industry, but at a corporate level, the average number of applicants per job is around 250, of which only 6-8 will actually be called back for an interview. 

How many candidates do companies interview?

Interview facts show that companies will interview 6-10 candidates for any given position with an additional 2 or 3 rounds of interviews before finally settling on a decision. If the hiring manager or recruitment team can’t find a suitable applicant they will extend the original pool to more candidates. 

How many interviews do you need to get a job?

The average number of interviews per job is between 10 and 20 per candidate, depending on their experience and the position’s nature. If a candidate is highly qualified and in a niche industry those numbers would be lower and vice versa. 

How many applicants get interviews?

It’s estimated that up to 75% of applicants aren’t even qualified for the positions that they’re applying for. This means as many as 98% of candidates don’t make it to the interview process, and the 2% who do often have to go through multiple follow-up interviews.

How long is the average job interview?

In most cases, a face-to-face interview will run longer than 30 minutes and will regularly go on for as much as 45 minutes to an hour if the position calls for it. Job interview questions statistics indicate that some employers are more thorough than others.

How many candidates make it to the final interview?

Most recruiters and those responsible for the hiring of new staff will settle on 2 or 3 candidates for final consideration after the initial round of interviews. This isn’t always the case, however, and there may well be more candidates considered if there are other relevant positions available. 

Is it better to be the first interview or the last?

Job interview statistics point to a correlation between the scheduling of interviews and how they influence how candidates are interviewed. Based on something called the ‘serial position effect’, applicants who interview first and last have the best chance of success. 

Do employers have to interview all applicants?

Employers are under no obligation to interview all the applicants for one job. All applicants go through an initial screening process based on the strength of their resume. Job interview statistics can shed light on how best to make it through this first stage of the hiring process.

What are the 5 stages of an interview?

The first stage is the introduction and is arguably the most important stage in the process. The second is some small talk to establish a connection. Followed by the ‘information gathering’ stage, a Q&A section, and ‘wrapping up’ the interview. 

How many rounds of interviews is normal?

Some companies will differ on the number of rounds a successful candidate will need to go through, but 2 or 3 will usually suffice. If an applicant makes it to the final round, interview statistics suggest that they are being seriously considered. 

Is a final interview just a formality?

The final round of interviews is never a formality, given how important they are to the hiring process. In the final round, employers will form opinions that will determine which applicant is the best fit for the job. A bad final interview could mean the difference between success and failure. 


A job interview is one of the most important stages of the hiring process and can make or break any application. These job interview statistics meanwhile prove that making a good first impression, backed by a solid resume and patience, can get applicants their dream job and employers the perfect fit for the position they offer. 


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